Friday, November 13, 2009

Date or Not To Date? Is It Okay To Date A Friend of a Friend?

When, if ever, is it okay to date the friend of a friend? Here's the go out bout a dozen times with a person, you even make-out once or twice (nothing too serious); however, you never officially went past the Level of "Friends." BUT then the other person makes it CLEAR to you that he/she is not interested in you, and cannot see his/herself in a long-term relationship, or even marriage with you. Then you meet a good friend of his/hers and the two of you begin to hit it off. Is it wrong to continue dating the friend even after the other person stated he/she was not interested in you? Is there a time frame one has to wait before you can date the friend of a friend? Mind you, your relationship with the other person never went pass friends, so technically you two are not Exes.

Opinions welcomed...

Date or Not To Date? Is It Okay To Date A Friend of a Friend?
No worries. Go for it.
Reply:I would say yes, go for it. Its not like the friend is the other friend's best friend. They are just friends and since you guys never passed the friend level, then I think it would be all right. After all, it would be the friend's lost since she denied you,.
Reply:This could get tricky. Especially if they are women rather than men. But men share intimate things with their buddies too.

Women tend to confide personal things with their girlfriends. If the first lady didn't like you well enough to continue seeing you, in all probability she will share whatever information she has on you with the second lady when she finds out you are dating and vise versa.

Personally, I would err on the side of caution. I see nothing wrong with it but I think I would look elsewhere to start a relationship.

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