Thursday, November 19, 2009

To date or not to date?

there is this guy that i dated 3 years ago and we fell in love. we are not dating anymore, but we are sort of like fwbs, very physically involved with one another. we would like to date again but our parents forbid it. it is clear that he has moved on with other women and such, as have i with men, but i cannot get him out of my mind. i am still in love with him and i still think to this day that we were meant to be. i believe that he still loves me, as he mentions it every so often. he will be going off to college in 2 years, but unfortunately i am a grade behind him. he asked me to think of what we can do (besides dating for right now) relationship wise. should we be fwbs? what else is there? any suggestions?

To date or not to date?
You have got to follow your heart and do what is best for you not what someone else wants for you. As much as you love your parents and respect their wishes and they love you, they can't live their life through you and only you can live your life. If you feel this strongly about this guy and feel that he is the one for you and vice versa then follow your heart and go for it as if you don't and it is still on your mind down the track then you may just regret it.

Parents will be parents, but they are only looking out for you and your interests. But why do they forbid it? if this guy has done wrong by you then I'd be very cautious and may be respect their wishes and not see him, but if he hasn't and you both want to be together then just start dating again taking it while you are living under your parents roof it will be quite hard. Just take it easy and slowly and maybe they will come round and start to realise that he is not too bad and that he makes you happy. But don't try to hide things as it will only make things worse.

dental bridge

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