Friday, April 16, 2010

Does the conceiving date determin the due date?

Me and my husband are planning on a baby, Our son's birthday is in September, so he doesn't want the baby to also be born in september. So I was wondering if the due date has to do with the date I conceived or if it the due date is based on the date after my period ends that the new ummm blood to form a baby forms? I know not too techniqual of a term I forgot what thats called

Does the conceiving date determin the due date?
You are pregnant since conception -after the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then implanted in the lining of the uterus, it develops into the placenta and embryo, and later into a fetus. Pregnancy usually lasts 40 weeks, beginning from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period.......

Your pregnancy is determined from the date of last menstral period, not date of conception. Each pregnancy, expectant mother, and unborn child is different.
Reply:Doctors count 40 days from your last period to get the due date. Conception can be 2-3 weeks after that. It's really the time of conception that determines when your baby will be born. (Babies are born early or late, too).

It sounds like you need to wait until February or later to get pregnant.
Reply:Doctors use the first day of your last period to determine your due date. What they do is count back three months from the start of your period and then add seven days and that is your due date. So, for example if your last period started on Nov. 13th your due date would be August 20th.
Reply:The 'due date' is calculated from the first day of your last period and is generally 40 weeks (depending on which country you are in). Please note that the due date is just an estimate and the baby will come when it's ready.

Reply:They base the due date on the day of the last period since most people do not know when they conceived.
Reply:Doctors calculate your due date based on the first day of your last period. The very first day you had bright red blood.

It might be adjusted later from ultrasounds.
Reply:I conceived the very beginning of January and my due-date was September 25th. (the first day of my last period was towards the end of December). Get pregnant any other month than January and you should be OK. lol Remember though, babies come early and late, so its best just to wait until the Spring if you want to have a baby in 2008.

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