Monday, May 4, 2009

Dating ultrasound question / conception date ???

If this is my due date by ultrasound then did i really concieve on this date??

hi my due date is may 27th 08 and according to my ultrasound at 12 weeks my conception was 4th sept 07.

my 20 week scan also matched this

so if this is what my scan says my due date is then did i really concieve begining of sept ? and not after the 14th sept

really need to know

thanks for anwsers x

my last lmp was 13th aug - but id just finished my pill, im thinking maybe i was having a five week cycle for me to concieved that late.

also i thought dating ultrasounds were accurate within a few days? but you guys are saying they are not- why would they be call ed dating scans.

ive posted this again as i dont think i got very good answers before. xxx

Dating ultrasound question / conception date ???
well i dont think they no that well,

i no when i concived there is no doult about it ,on my 12 week scan they said i was 4 days more along but wont change my due date ,

and i just had my 20 week scan and they have put me on 1 week and 1 day,

now that would mean i would of had to have sex week or so before which i no for a facted i did not as i was trying for a boy and we had sex once that month on my ovalation day so i must just be carring a bigger baby ,sorry if i did not help but telling you this you can see thay can be wrong
Reply:your ultrasound at 12 weeks is going to be your most accurate measurement for this pregnancy. (the earlier the ultrasound is done in the pregnancy, the more accurate), these early measurements are accurate within a few days.

keep in mind that 12 weeks doesn't mean the baby is 12 weeks, the baby is 10 weeks old. women usually ovulate 2 weeks after the first day of their period, and that's usually accepted as the conception date. (unless you are irregular). for some reason, doctors made a funny rule to count the gestation age from the MENSTRUAL date, not the CONCEPTION date. very confusing, especially for men!!
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