Friday, April 16, 2010

Which of the following would end the chances for a second date?

1. your date is taller than you are

2. your Mother or Father chaparoning the date

3. your date has bad hygiene

4. your date is 10 yrs. younger or older than you are

5. your date cancels 5 min.'s prior to specified time of date

6. your date has to have the family station wagon back by 11pm

7. your date takes calls (more than one)on their cell phone during the date

8. your date's "ex mate" threatens your life on a phone message to you prior to the date

9. your date emails you to cancel date

10. your date turns out to be related to you

More than one answer is cool too..=)


Which of the following would end the chances for a second date?

1--i like taller women

2--mom and pop could be cool like us

4--no prob

5--depends on circumstance

6-if she's paying for the gas, who cares

7-if she is a rich on call dr, I could deal w/ it

8- bring it on

9-no prob since we met on y/a

10-nothing wrong w/ keeping it in the family
Reply:3, 4, 5, 8, 9.
Reply:2, 7, 9 %26amp; 10.
Reply:lol = #10
Reply:hygiene and related for sure.
Reply:all except for #1, and 10 years younger...10 years older I'm ok with.
Reply:Numbers 3, 4 and 9. Number 8 is definitely suspect! Number 10 goes without saying!!! Why havent I seen him at any of the family reunions???
Reply:("yes" meaning it would end the chances)...**drum roll**......

1. no i don't mind, i'm secure

2. yes lol

3. yes, she should take care of herself and respect herself

4. 10 yrs older is ok to give her a chance at least, but not 10 years younger that's not legal yet for me lol

5. no if there's a good reason for it, that's ok

6. no that's fine...we all have issues lol

7. it depends if they are really important calls, then it'd be ok...if not that, then i'd think she's not too into me or just rude

8. no...if i really like her i'm not afraid of anyone's threats...nothing can stand in the way of my love, lol

9. no that's not that bad, but i'd wonder why she couldn't call me instead of a lame e-mail

10. yes lol that would mess things up a bit

hey legendary~cool, has anyone ever asked--what are YOUR answers?? anyways have a good one ;)
Reply:all except #1
Reply:All of the above can be reason enough. It mostly depends what you want and why. Some are definately reasons for not having the second.
Reply:3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

4 the younger part freaks me out,

7 i have to be centre of attention,

8 slightly worrying if that happened,


10, for obvious reasons






10 LOL!
Reply:None of the Above - Off the market! - Thank Gawd no more of those horror stories!!!!
Reply:9, 5, 8 and 2 would probably kill it for me!









10.OMG!!! YES!!!!!!
Reply:All of the above except for #1!!
Reply:All of them except number 1.
Reply:3%26gt;5%26gt;7.. and 10 depending how closely I guess!

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