Wednesday, April 14, 2010

After the first date?

I am recently divorced and I just went on an amazing first date with a guy. The chemistry was definitely there, after the date, he told me he had a great time and would love to do it again. He called for a few days and then started making some sexual referennces. Sex is okay to talk about, but I had only known the guy about 2 weeks before deciding to go on a date. I let him know I felt it was disrespectful and now he still talks to me via emails and just says he is confused because it was such a great first date. How do I let him know I would like to go out with him again, or is it too late? If he was really interested in me, would it have already happened. The date was a week ago today, so I am not sure about the timeframe thing, as I know all situations are different and I knew to dating again, after seven years of marriage. Any advice...thanks :)

After the first date?
The guy may have been a little aggressive about the sex stuff, which may have been somewhat accidental on his part. If you want to see him again, why not call him up for lunch, breakfast, coffee, dinner, a movie, or whatever. If he's still more aggressive than you care for (but maybe he's a good guy otherwise) let me know that, too. Otherwise, dump him and move on.

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